Transformations in Higher Education to Cope with COVID-19: the Case of the University of Matanzas in Cuba




COVID-19 , University of Matanzas , Higher Education, transformations, teaching-learning process


Faced with the threat of COVID- 19 and its spread throughout the world, as well as its arrival in Cuba, Higher Education, in line with the country's leadership, must adjust to the new epidemiological situation and generate possible strategies to attend to all the university population in the different study modalities. This article shows the transformations proposed by the University of Matanzas with the participation of all the actors in the teaching-learning process and the results obtained from its implementation in a 2019-2020 school year that had already been affected in its beginnings by the complexities of the international situation that caused an energy emergency in the country. The involvement of students and teachers in curbing the spread of the epidemic in activities such as attention to contacts and suspects, the elderly, or the poorest population, as well as continuing their teaching and learning activities, shows the progress made in the comprehensive training of our future graduates.


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Author Biographies

Lourdes Tarifa Lozano, Universidad de Matanzas

Profesora Matemática. Coordinadora de la Maestría en Matemática educativa. Universidad de Matanzas. Cuba.

Leyda Finalé de la Cruz, Universidad de Matanzas

Ph. of Education Sciences. Rector University of Matanzas, Cuba. 

Leticia Fuentes, Uniiversidad de Matanzas

Doctora en Ciencias Agrícolas. Vice rectora docente, Uniiversidad de Matanzas. Cuba.

Juan Carlos Rivera, Universidad de Matanzas

Máster en Ciencias de la Educación Superior. Jefe del departamento de Historia y marxismo, Universidad de Matanzas. Cuba.

María de Lourdes Artola Pimentel, Universidad de Matanzas

Doctor en Ciencias Técnicas. Asesora del Rector, Universidad de Matanzas. Presidente Comisión de Grados Científicos de la Universidad de Matanzas. Cuba.

